Founded by Fitness Entrepreneurs & Personal Trainers Sophia Housley & Marla Collins-Soana after working years in the industry, SRPLY was determined to build a bridge between sustainability and main stream fashion lovers, and show that fast fashion is not the way forward.

This Sustainable Active Wear brand has been produced to make you feel your best when performing at your best.

Srply is a unique, sustainable & inclusive sports wear brand with the aim to create staple items for your wardrobe using recycled pieces to add to your wellness wear collections.

We value the our customers and want to create the best gym fits out there for you guys to get the best out of your workouts wearing SRPLY.


We also prioritise the environment & the climate change that is no doubt happening in our lifetime. So by using scientific research, the best gym wear designs & our good nature we have created SRPLY the Sustainable Gym Wear..